My two little girls adore their Lottie dolls, so I’m VERY excited to have two Fossil Hunter Lotties, plus a Superhero outfit set to giveaway this month!
Lottie is a very cute, dinky doll with a child like figure. She can stand up, has bendable arms and legs making her easy to dress and lovely soft, easily brushable hair. I love the ethos behind Lottie, she’s not about jewellery and high heels, but wears clothes like real children and is a positive role model. The website also has some fantastic resources including promoting great women and some brilliant science activity ideas too.
I just popped upstairs to find our Lottie dolls to photograph for you and this is what I found.
Fossil Hunter Lottie and School Days Lottie look to be reading something together, I like that they have a coat and cape next to them.
Superhero Lottie seems to be sat in a butterfly garden, looking very stylish with her scarf and pony tail! Our Lottie dolls are very well cared for and have become a big part in imaginative games. We’d definitely recommend them.
If you’d like to win one of two Fossil Hunter Lottie Dolls with a Superhero outfit set please complete the rafflecopter form below.
Thanks to Lottie for donating such a great prize!
Last Updated on June 5, 2015 by Emma Vanstone
I love the Pony Club Lottie!
I love stargazer lottie 🙂
Snow Queen Lottie
Stargazer lottie
I love superhero Lottie!
Pirate Queen Lottie
I love Pony Club Lottie!
I can’t decide between Muddy Puddles one and Stargazer Lottie.
Autumn leaves lottie
Pony Club Lottie
Stargazer lottie
Fossil hunter lottie!
Autumn leaves Lottie
Fossil Hunter Lottie is my favourite!
love the Branksea Festival Lottie
I love Fossil Hunter Lottie, she looks like she is going to have great fun and is an intelligent young girl 🙂
Muddy puddles Lottie
I think Fossil Hunter Lottie is my favorite.
I Really like the Stargazer and fossil sets. Super duper cute!
I think Lottie Dolls are amazingly awesome. If only I had something like this to play with when I was little 😀 My favourite is Robot Girl Lottie. There are so few females in science in general, that she’d be my first choice for my own little girl. That and I’m a nerd myself 😛
Stargazer lottie 🙂 xx
My favourite is the Rockabilly Lottie!
Muddy Puddles Lottie
I love Stargazer lottie
Mine is the fossil hunter one as my daughter and me love museums and odd old things
The Autumn Leaves Doll
The Stargazer lottie is lovely
Has to be be Fossil Hunter Lottie because I am an archaeologist 🙂
muddy puddles!
The Stargazer Lottie is really inventive and a great role model for girls! I applaud them – what a fabulous ‘modern’ toy for girls!!
My Grandaughter loves anything related to fossils so would have to be the Fossil Hunter
Rockabilly Lottie
I think my favourite is Stargazer Lottie.
Rockabilly Lottie 🙂
Stargazer lottie is my favourite.
I love stargazer lottie but butterfly protector is also really cute
I love stargazer lottie
Autumn Leaves Lottie
Fossil Hunter Lottie!
Stargazer lottie
Stargazer Lottie!
Fossil Hunter lottie
Rockabilly Lottie
We love stargazer lottie – she looks fab
Autumn Leave Lottie:)
Stargazer Lottie
I love Autumn Leaves Lottie 🙂
Snow Queen Lottie
snow queen lottie x
Fossil hunter Lottie!
Our favourite is an accessory – Biscuit the Beagle! Just like our beagle at home!
Stargazer Lottie
Stargazer lottie
Pony Club Lottie
star gazer lottie 😀
The branksea festival lottie doll is so cute, They all are 🙂
Muddie Puddles Lottie is my fav!
Rockabilly Lottie is wicked!!
Autumn Leaves Lottie
I love rockabilly Lottie
Pony Club Lottie. My great-niece is horse-mad and she’s only 3. Very luckily the yard I am about to start going to takes them from 3 so she might be able to start going. 🙂
School Days Lottie reminds me of my time working in Japan. The uniform is so similar! But, to be honest, I really like all of the Lottie dolls.
Pirate Queen Lottie
I love the Pirate Lottie x
Pony Club Lottie is pretty cool
Pirate Lottie x
i love pony club lottie
Snow Queen Lottie
Stargazer Lottie
Stargazer lottie x
Love the Muddy Puddles doll!!!
Fossil Hunter Lottie is my favourite. I love how she’s into things like fossils, my kind of girl! x
Star gazer
Stargazer Lottie
Stargazer Lottie
My favourite is the Rockabilly Lottie
The muddy puddles lottie.
Definitely Fossil Hunter! (My daughter wants to be a paleontologist.)
Stargazer Lottie 🙂
Stargazer Lottie
Stargazer Lottie
Stargazer lottie
stargazer lottie
I love Lottie – I think fossil hunter Lottie is definitely my fave.
Stargazer lottie
Butterfly protector Lottie
Stargazer Lottie x
Rockabilly Lottie is my fav
Lighthouse Keeper Lottie – what a great job! 🙂
Stargazer Lottie is our favourite.
My grandaughter loves Pony Club Lottie the most 🙂
snow queen lottie
Lovely Lotties, but I think that my favourite is Stargazer Lottie.
Stargazer Lottie
Fossil Hunter Lottie
Autumn leaves lottie
stargazer lottie
I love muddy puddles lottie
Stargazer lottie
Stargazer lottie
Autumn leaves Lottie 🙂
Autumn leaves lottie
I like the Butterfly protector Lottie x
Rockabilly Lottie – so good to see dolls in glasses
Rockabillie Lottie
Stargazer lottie