An unbreakable egg sounds impossible. We think of eggs as fragile ( how many times have you opened a box of eggs to find one broken ), so how do you make an unbreakable egg?
How to make an egg unbreakable
How to make an unbreakable egg
You’ll need
- an egg
- cling film
Wrap the egg in cling film, place it in your palm and close your hand around it so your fingers are completely wrapped around the egg.
Squeeze as hard as you can.

The egg should remain in one piece. If you are feeling extra brave, you could try it without the cling film.
Why can’t you break the egg?
If you’ve ever dropped an egg, you know the shell is fragile, but the shape of an egg is very strong. If pressure is applied evenly over the shell, it will not break.
We tried REALLY hard to break the egg, but it stayed in one piece!
Did you know – egg experiments
A fresh egg will sink in water; a stale egg will float. Now, there’s something I want to try!
Try spinning a boiled egg and a fresh, unboiled egg. You should be able to tell the difference between them based on how they spin.
Discover why dome shapes are so strong.
Another way to make an egg float is to add some salt to a bowl of water.
Or, try one of my other eggy experiments.

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Emma Vanstone
This was soooooooo cool and i didn’t end up wasting an egg!