It’s almost Halloween so we’ve been busy making goo, potions and practising spooky mirror writing! Mirror writing is harder than you think and might take a bit of practice.
Black card
Try writing your name backwards using the hand you normally write with. Do you have to think more carefully? Then, check that you’ve done it correctly using a mirror.
Now try writing backwards using the hand you don’t write with. How do you find that?
Is it easier if you use a mirror?
Once you’ve got the hang of writing your name, try writing spooky messages for your friends.
Extension Idea
Is it easier if you write with both hands at the same time, with one writing backwards and one forward?
Did you know Leonardo Da Vinci used to write backwards? Some people think he did it because he was left handed and writing backwards would’ve stopped him smudging his writing! Can you write a whole sentence backwards? Is it harder than you expected?

More Halloween Science for Kids
Add some extra gruesomeness to your Halloween costume with one of our fake blood recipes. You probably already have everything you need for these in the kitchen.
If you or the kids are slime fans, you’ll love our spooky slime. It’s a perfect Halloween party activity or Halloween craft.
If you want to make your own Halloween decorations my spooky light up houses would be perfect. They also work as a fun alternative to a pumpkin if you don’t fancy carving this year.
Don’t forget I have a FREE Halloween eBook full of printable science experiments you might like, too!
Last Updated on October 2, 2024 by Emma Vanstone
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