Here at Science Sparks we love LEGO. My children play with LEGO or DUPLO everyday and it’s been fantastic for helping them develop fine motor control, logic skills and for learning to read and understand instructions. We use LEGO for building, making up imaginative stories and of course for experiments and investigations. These are some of our favourite ideas for Science with LEGO.
Learn about bar charts using some sweets and DUPLO. You could make a smaller version of this with LEGO too.
Make a LEGO/DUPLO bridge, can you test how strong it is?
Find out how fast different types of paper absorb water to reveal a hidden LEGO man.
Use LEGO/DUPLO to make a ramp and explore how different gradients affect the speed of cars.
Set up a fun LEGO excavation like Lemon Lime Adventures.
Or how about a LEGO catapult like this cool one from Frugal Fun for Boys
Have fun learning to count and measure using DUPLO in this great post from The Imagination Tree
Make a Numeracy at Home box and add some LEGO bricks for counting, comparing size etc.
How fast can you get a LEGO balloon powered car to travel?
Can you make a LEGO or DUPLO metre ruler?
Discover how many LEGO bricks tall you are in this simple activity.
Hide a LEGO man in ice and explore how to rescue him.
Will a LEGO man float on oil or water?
Work on your memory skills with this fun Guess Who game.
Can you make a stable structure? We used sweets in this post, but it would work just as well with LEGO.
Investigate how waterproof different materials are by using them as a roof and spraying with water.
More LEGO Ideas
We reviewed some great DUPLO sets from LEGO Education recently, and I cannot recommend them enough. I also bought my 7 year old a set of LEGO Education Doors, Windows & Roof Tiles which he hasn’t stopped playing with. They’ve been fantastic for reinvigorating his love for building freely.
What’s your favourite way to play with LEGO/DUPLO?
Last Updated on April 9, 2016 by Emma Vanstone
My kids LOVE Legos so any new ideas are welcome! Thanks!
I really liked this website, I like the expirements.