I’m very aware that many nurseries, schools and other childcare providers often don’t have a huge amount of money to spend on resources, so with that in mind, I’ve put together a fun collection of very low-cost science activities perfect for Early Years Foundation Stage.
Budget Science for Early Years
Build and waterproof mini boats
This waterproofing activity just uses scrap paper. If you wanted a slightly more exciting version, you could make boats from egg cartons to waterproof or even create a GIANT boat using a big cardboard box.
This simple early coding/logic building activity just uses a blindfold and some masking tape.
Ice painting is a lovely, sensory experience for even very little ones.
This waterproof a welly activity is inexpensive and comes with a free printable welly!
Use a cardboard box to make ramps with different gradients to race cars down, can you record the time taken for each?
Test objects from around the house to see if they sink or float?

Make a super simple colour mixing wheel to learn about primary and secondary colours.
Make a tin can phone with some old tin cans. This is also a great one if you’re reading The Lorax.
How about a magnet sensory bottle for introducing magnetism?
Make a density sensory bottle using just oil and coloured water.
Learn about push/pull and stretching forces with homemade play dough and some props from the garden.
Try some garden measuring with just a ruler.
Make a rain gauge from a plastic bottle.
Grow vegetables from seed recording their growth weekly, you could even cook with them once fully grown.
Work out how many feet tall you are.
Make simple patterns with LEGO or try some paint stamping.

We love this counting machine from The Imagination Tree.
Make fruity boats with leftover lemons, do they float? What happens if you add extra weight to them?
Learn about filtering using paper towels.
Or, how about a setting up a low cost chemistry lab with simple kitchen ingredients.
Lots more ideas coming soon!

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Last Updated on July 4, 2023 by Emma Vanstone
These are some great activities for kids to get interested in science. It’s so important to make learning fun for kids and these activities are perfect for that. Thanks for sharing and explaining it so well!