Science Books for Kids
I now have five science books available!! The first three are great for kids of all ages. Younger children might need a bit of help, but older children should be able to work through them mostly independently.
The last two books are aimed at children aged between around 3-7, and perfect for home and school.
Gross Science
Gross Science contains 60 icky science experiments for kids. From the science of bodies to insects and beyond. Explore the layers of your skin and or make a model of intestines, make edible poo and so much more!
Available October 2020
Gross Science is available for preorder from the following retailers!
Book Depository (free worldwide delivery!):
Snackable Science – Kitchen Science for Kids
Snackable Science contains 60 colourful and edible experiments allowing kids to investigate their way around the kitchen making magical mixtures, edible Jenga and Tetris, cupcakes to model cell structure, find the perfect ketchup and even create their own super sour candy powder!!
It’s great fun for kids of all ages!

Snackable Science is available from the following retailers:
This IS Rocket Science – Space Science for Kids
This IS Rocket Science contains SEVENTY fun filled space themed science experiments taking explorers into space, around the solar system and back down to Earth.
Learn about friction , gravity, air resistance and the challenges faced by astronauts with these creative science experiments for kids!

Enquiring Explorers – Space
Enquiring Explorers is the first book in the series is called Reach for the Stars and tells the story of two best friends who take a trip into space. They encounter lots of problems along the way with a fun science challenge to solve at the end of each chapter before moving on to the next. It’s beautifully illustrated and I’m so happy with how it turned out.

Finally, Science Sparks the book is available from Millgate House Publishing and contains 40 easy experiments for Early Years and Key Stage 1!

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