Today’s inspirational female scientist is the wonderful Rosalind Franklin. Rosalind Franklin is probably best known for not getting the credit she deserved for her part in the discovery of the structure of DNA.
Rosalind’s work on DNA was only one part of her impressive career. She also conducted pioneering work on the structure of viruses!

Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray images of DNA played a huge part in discovering its double helix structure. The twisted ladder shape allows DNA strands to hold huge amounts of information.
Rosalind Franklin Life and Career
Rosalind Franklin was born in London and studied physics and chemistry at Newnham Women’s College at Cambridge University. In 1964, she moved to Paris, where she became skilled in X-ray crystallography, using it to find the structure of different carbons.
Rosalind moved back to London in 1951, where she worked at King’s College studying DNA. In May 1952, Rosalind took the infamous photo 51, which showed the X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA.
Rosalind’s image formed a crucial part of James Watson and Frances Crick’s ( who were studying DNA at the same time ) discovery of the double helix structure. Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins (who she worked with ) were credited in Watson and Crick’s paper about their findings, but unfortunately, Rosalind died of ovarian cancer before Watson, Crick, and Wilkins received their Nobel Prize. Nobel prizes are never awarded posthumously.
After Cambridge, Rosalind moved to Birkbeck College, London, where she led a team who decoded the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus!
What happened next?
Rosalind Franklin may have missed out on a Nobel prize but she left behind a huge legacy. She received her PhD from Cambridge at a time when there were very few women chemists. She was often the only female presenter at scientific conferences and had to fight for the same status and pay as her male colleagues.
A UK-built Mars Rover, which visited Mars in 2021 to search for signs of life, has been named Rosalind Franklin, a fitting tribute to an inspirational scientist who helped decipher the building blocks of life on Earth.
Free Rosalind Franklin Fact File
Activity related to Rosalind Franklin’s work
Make an edible DNA model!
This activity uses toothpicks or cocktail sticks, jelly tots and red liquorice sticks to make a double-helix DNA model.

More inspirational women scientists
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Marie M. Daly completed groundbreaking research on the effects of diet on the heart and circulatory system.
- Image Credit – By Jewish Chronicle Archive/Heritage-Images, Fair use,
- References –

Last Updated on May 8, 2024 by Emma Vanstone
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