This mini motorised boat was a great STEM challenge that kept us busy for hours!! We kept adding extra bits to make it work better and were really happy with the end result.
If you like this you’ll love my other easy STEM challenges or if you’re looking for something a bit easier to put together, my paper science experiments might be just the thing!
You’ll need
A small electric DC motor – 1.5V and mounting clip
Elastic band
Bubble wrap
Materials to make a raft or boat such as lolly sticks, balloons, corks
Glue or tape
A tray of water

How to make a motorised boat
Build a raft or boat to attach the motor, fan, battery and wires to.
You’ll need a way to protect the battery from the water. We used an elastic band wrapped around the battery to hold the wires in place and then covered the whole thing in bubble wrap.
Attach one end of each wire to the motor and the other to an end of the battery, the motor should spin.
I used a hot glue gun to attach the propeller to the end of the motor which then span around to power the boat.

We used balloons to raise the boat/raft up and add some buoyancy. Corks, or segments of pool noodle would also work.

Once you’re happy with the design, gently place the boat in a tray of water and test it!
More Electronics STEM Challenges
Make a torch using a simple circuit.
Babble Dabble Do has some brilliant tiny dancers that look amazing!
These drawing robots are great fun and can be made in lots of different ways!

Or try one of my other easy electronic science projects.

Last Updated on August 9, 2021 by Emma Vanstone
STEM challenges like these can help kids develop many life essential skills. I am sure they would enjoy the process too, thanks for sharing this idea!