I wasn’t sure how well received this activity would be with a large group of children, but they loved it, and all spent a long time finding the best way for Little Red Riding Hood to get the Grandma’s house faster than the wolf. It was a great problem solving, map reading and imagination inspiring activity.
Large piece of green card
Blue card
Little Red Riding Hood themed props, we used Playmobil, a puppet wolf and a Lottie doll with a homemade cape.
Black pen
Create your map of the forest.
I placed Grandma’s house at one end and Little Red Riding Hood at the opposite end diagonally.
Mark a long route for the wolf and place obstacles in the path of the fastest route for Little Red Riding Hood.
I asked the children to think of the best way to help Little Riding Hood reach Grandma’s house faster than the wolf. After planning her route, we then talked about how we could slow down the wolf.
Suggestions were:
Putting obstacles in his path such as a pile of sticks or stones.
Chasing him with the horse.
Putting a cow in his path, so he ate that instead of Grandma.
Extension Ideas
Can the children create their own map?
Suitable for Early Learning Stage
ELG 17
Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.
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Can you think of another Little Red riding Hood Activity?
Last Updated on June 16, 2015 by Emma Vanstone
I just love this, Emma!
Super activity on Red Riding Hood’s Map and how the children can explored. Thank you Julie
What grade level would you use this? I teach kinder. Would this be a good activity?
I think it would be great for that age