If you look at your fingers, you’ll see lots of lines, arches and loops. Did you know your fingerprint is unique to you!! Even more unique than your DNA.
If you look at the palms of your hands and your fingers, you’ll notice the skin is a bit different to that of your arm. Hand and finger skin is known as friction ridge skin which is also found on the soles of the feet. Friction ridge skin is thicker than skin on other areas of the body and doesn’t have any hair!
Fingerprint Facts
Fingerprints are formed in the womb! As children grow, they get bigger, but the pattern stays the same!
Fingerprints don’t change with age but can become harder to capture as older skin becomes less elastic and the ridges become thicker.
Fingerprints are hard to lose. Skin damaged by washing too much, cuts or even acid regrows with the same fingerprint as before the damage. You can’t escape your fingerprint!
Your genes do not determine the pattern of your fingerprint, so twins do not have the same prints!
Fingerprinting is a form of biometrics. Biometrics use a person’s physical characteristics to identify them.
Fingerprint Investigation
An easy way to take a look at your own fingerprint is to use a balloon.
You’ll need
Ink pad
A volunteer

How to make a fingerprint balloon
Carefully press one finger into the ink pad and then press down onto the balloon.
Inflate the balloon slowly, checking the image as the balloon expands.
If it starts to go a bit blurry, let some air out.
You should be able to see the lines, loops and whorls clearly.

More detective science for kids
Try pressing a finger into Play-Doh to see the image.
Frugal Fun for Boys shows you how to lift fingerprints!
Did you know you can make a magnifying glass from a plastic bottle? Use this to look at your fingerprints!

Last Updated on September 13, 2023 by Emma Vanstone
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