All you need for this fun, messy activity is an empty box, some marbles or other small balls and paint.
Things to investigate
Can you blow the balls into goals? Is it easier to blow a heavy ball or a lighter ball?
What happens if you tip the box up? Does the ball move faster the more you tip the box?
Does using more paint make the balls move faster or more slowly?
We made some goals with some spare cardboard and sellotaped them to each end of our box.
We then dropped to marbles into paint and each player used a straw to try and blow the ball into their opponents goal.
We tested marbles, ping pong balls and soft craft balls to see which were the easiest to move.
After the straw blowing test we then tried moving the box around to try to move the marbles in the direction we wanted.
The more paint we added the harder it became to move the marbles. Can you think why this is?
Other ideas
Could you use the marbles to try some colour mixing?
Can you think of anything else we could test?
Suitable for Key Stage 1
Everyday Materials
Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
Working Scientifically
Observing closely, using simple equipment
Performing simple tests
Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
EYFS – Early Learning Goal
The child knows about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things.
Last Updated on September 15, 2015 by Emma Vanstone
Paint is something my daughter always love to do. She is now in pre-school and she will love this painting idea. Thanks