We’re coming to then end of our pirate themed activities and I had been really excited about this one but nearly didn’t write about it because I just couldn’t get the barrel skittles to look as good as I wanted, but the kids loved it and actually there were so many different factors to explore that it’s definitely worth trying.
Skittles – we used decorated plastic bottles
Balls and coconuts
Things to think about
What conditions can you test?
Weight of the skittle – is it harder to knock down a heavier skittle? Can you try them empty and then half filled with water, or even a combination of the two.
It is hard to throw accurately with a coconut? Why do you think this is? Is a round ball easier?
Can you try different sized balls?
What about if you bowl from further away?
Remember to only change one condition at a time and keep the rest constant.
Can you record your scores under the different conditions?
Great for Key Stage 1 – Working Scientifically
Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
Observing closely, using simple equipment
Performing simple tests
Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.
Last Updated on March 25, 2015 by Emma Vanstone
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