I made this fun and easy Guess the Christmas Smell Play Dough for our school Christmas Fair and the children, loved it.
I laid out three different types of Christmas spice-flavoured play dough in bowls, and the Christmas spices in another, then asked the children to match the spice to the play dough.
How to make Christmas Spice Play Dough
- Play dough – I used a basic play dough recipe and added a little bit of mint essence, cinnamon, vanilla essence, ground cloves – basically anything lovely and festive.
Once you’ve made the play dough, lay it out nicely and ask the children to match the play dough to the herb or spice.
Can you think of any other flavours to try?
More Play Dough Ideas
Decoration shapes
Ask children to roll out a ball of play dough and push a Christmas decoration into it. The decorations should leave a lovely impression in the play dough.

How much force?
Play a game in which each person has to use the minimum number of pushes or pulls on the play dough to make a specific shape, and the other players have to guess what the shape is.
Play Dough Challenge
Create a game in which children create a Christmas animal or object from play dough, and the other players have to guess what it is.

For even more Christmas science ideas, take a look at my Christmas advent calendar, which contains an activity for each of the 12 days leading up to Christmas.
Last Updated on December 2, 2024 by Emma Vanstone
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